Today by far was the most disappointing day I have ever had on a voyage. For days now we have been heading down that new river we found last month, until today when we hit a harbor. We proceeded up the harbor into a new river. We continued down the river until it got narrower and narrower, which meant we were headed towards land. My crew was ecstatic when we reached the land, but I told my crew not to get too excited, because I was not completely positive where we were at that point. Turns out that we had hit a city, but it was not a southwest passage we had found. We had actually come from an entirely different direction than the one we intended. So, with that in mind, we were forced to turn the ship around, and start over, once again. I could practically feel the hatred shooting out of my crew members’ eyes when they looked at me. I feel horrible, but there is nothing I can do. Why do we seem to be having such terrible luck lately? I am starting to think, perhaps there is no southwest passage, and the relayed information from John Smith was probably wrong. But John was just as determined to find this route as I was, and I don’t believe that he would make up something like that. I trust that there really is a southwest passage somewhere out there, and it is just waiting for someone to discover it.
Hello, I am Mr. Henry Hudson. I was born on September 12, 1570 and I am an English sea explorer and navigator. I was named "Master of the Vessel" by my good friends at the Muscovy Company. Right now I am on the search of a route that will lead us to North America. My best friend's are my crew members, especially Jonathan and George. I would be nothing today without them!
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