Hello, it’s me again. I know you just love listening to me complain, but the COLD isn’t the only problem around here. Now we’ve hit the northernmost part of Norway and the tension’s so thick you could cut it with a bleeding spoon. The crew has been giving me the eye for several weeks now. I suppose they hate the cold even more than I do, since they’re out on deck all day, keeping this ship afloat, while I get to stay in this cabin all day. Some of the bigger upstarts have even threatened to mutiny! I’m starting to fear for my life, since most of them could squash me like a cockroach. However, their desire for money seems to outweigh their utter loathing of me. If I keep telling them about how rich they’re going to get from the spices we’ll find, they might not throw me in the ocean. Anyway, besides my crew members slowly starting to turn against me, today the most amazing thing happened. I saw a real live mermaid with my own very eyes! She was beautiful; I have never seen anything like it before. Tomorrow we are turning the ship around and heading back to England. My crew members were annoyed, but it is not news to them anymore. It is just another unsuccessful voyage.
Hello, I am Mr. Henry Hudson. I was born on September 12, 1570 and I am an English sea explorer and navigator. I was named "Master of the Vessel" by my good friends at the Muscovy Company. Right now I am on the search of a route that will lead us to North America. My best friend's are my crew members, especially Jonathan and George. I would be nothing today without them!
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